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15 Apr 2014

Catch Up - It's been too long!

Hey! Long time no see lovelies, As many of you will already know, I'm a student and naturally as the academic year comes to an end I've had so much work to do. I've had an exam and lots of coursework so with portfolio's and essays coming out of my ears I decided to put blogging on hold till my deadlines had passed. 
I've missed writing for you guys so much and so just one day after my last deadline, I'm back! I've had lots going on outside all my work which include a lot of stressful things and a couple of lovely things just to balance it all out! 

I'm finally back home for the summer and it's so lovely getting to spend so much time with my family and my boyfriend, One of my best friends got engaged which was just amazing and I've had a great time catching up with my friends this past couple of weeks in between finishing and submitting work. 
I recently started my Slimming World diet too and I've been really enjoying it, weigh in isn't till tomorrow so I'm not sure how I've done yet but I've been sticking to it religiously and I've been loving trying out all the new recipes, maybe an idea for a post soon?
My skin has been so bad since moving back home, I thought maybe it was the change in water? Or is that a silly suggestion? My usual skincare just isn't clearing it up, if any of you have any suggestions for really dry skin and breakouts then let me know because it's driving me mad!! 
Now I have so much more time on my hands again there will be at least 3 posts a week, maybe even more if I get a spare evening. 

Don't forget to comment with your skincare tips to save a poor bloggers life!



1 comment:

  1. Smart gal! Blogging can wait. (: Best of luck with your studies.

    <3 Carsla
    Founder & CEO of Connect-the-Cloths
    A stylist, foodie, & writer's blog in development.
